If your business is facing insolvency, you must seek sound legal advice as soon as possible.
Statutory demands, winding-up petitions and bankruptcy petitions are all subject to tight time limits, so failing to act quickly can result in serious sanctions such as having your bank account frozen.
As a company director you can be personally liable for debts if your company trades while it is insolvent, so you need to know what to do should your business get into difficulties
At Hollingsworths we can guide you through the insolvency processes and provide timely and practical advice to help you best handle the situation.
We can also assist if your business has cash flow or other financial problems and can advise on the available options, including voluntary liquidation.
Hollingsworths' insolvency service also covers individuals, so talk to us if you have received a statutory demand or are considering declaring yourself bankrupt because you cannot repay your debts.
Our friendly team will discuss with you the implications of bankruptcy and explain the alternatives such as Individual Voluntary Arrangement or IVA.
We can also handle applications to annul a bankruptcy order that has been made against you.
To discover how Hollingsworths can help, please call us on 0116 204 7260 or complete the form below
The Hollingsworth team will be happy to discuss your legal requirements in the first instance please fill in the form or call us on 0116 204 7260.