Personal Guarantees and Business Loans


Business owners and directors are often asked by their banks to seek independent legal advice before taking out a business loan or putting their name to a personal  guarantee.  And, this request can sometimes extend to the business owner' s spouse, who may be agreeing to provide security although not actively involved in the business.

Independent legal advice is not a formality, and the terms being offered by the bank or financial institution should be considered very carefully before a legally binding commitment is entered into. Under the terms of the loan or guarantee you could be at risk of losing your home if the business fails to prosper.

Similarly, it is worth knowing that a personal guarantee is a commitment to repay and covers all liabilities, not just the loan being taken out at the time.

At Hollingsworths we can provide you with clear, practical  advice on loans and personal guarantees so that you enter into any arrangements with your eyes open.



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The Hollingsworth team will be happy to discuss your legal requirements in the first instance please fill in the form or call us on 0116 204 7260.

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