
  • Boundary Disputes

    April 12, 2018

    Disputes often arise around boundaries. A boundary is a line that divides two contiguous pieces of land. It may be a physical line, such as a fence or a wall. The title documents for the land will usually identify the boundary but rarely precisely. Some of the problems can be:   The boundary does not follow […]

  • Tenancy deposit schemes – what are they and how do they work?

    September 15, 2014

    This briefing note explains what a tenancy deposit scheme (TDS) is and what a landlord’s obligations are under a TDS.

  • Break clauses in commercial leases: business briefing

    June 25, 2013

    This business briefing highlights the practical issues that a tenant should consider when exercising a break clause in a commercial lease.

  • Business Rates for non-domestic properties

    September 1, 2012

    This checklist sets out the exemptions from business rates for non-domestic properties.

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The Hollingsworth team will be happy to discuss your legal requirements in the first instance please fill in the form or call us on 0116 204 7260.

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